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Floral Elixir: Ros Lunae

Inspired and Energised by the Moon, Ros Lunae translates to Dew of the Moon.

The Moon watches over us for half our lives, functioning as the all-seeing eye of Heaven. She is the keeper of Sacred Cycles, the force with which life itself ebbs and flows.

The Moon illuminates the darkness, but yet does not dazzle. She receives the fiery energy of life, and transmutes it into a gentle energy that watches over our rest. If you've been feeling out of sorts lately, there's a high chance it's due to a lack of rest. Have you been feeling uninspired and numb? Has your sleep been sporadic and shallow? Have you been feeling lethargic and lifeless? Have your emotional responses been erratic or extreme?

This spell is formulated to restore that balance through deep rest. Invite Sanctuary, safety and grounding, and look inwards to your true sovereign self. Melt into deeper slumber and rest. Envision your tension, fear, anxiety and stress flow away in a stream of purifying moonlight. Allow your energy and body to regenerate.

Floral Water contains microparticles of Essential Oils, and are safe for direct application on skin. In recent years, they have gained popularity as plant-based toners!

Directions: Spritz on your face and/or around your head and Sacral. For best results, have some visualisation or verbalisation of what aspects of your life you would like to let go of. Allow the scent, sensation and magick to infuse into your energy field. Envision the pearlescent 

Keywords: Protection, Sanctuary, Safe Space, Rest, Sleep, Regeneration, Introspection, Meditation

30ml in Glass Mist Spray Bottle. 100% Natural Hydrosol.

Scent: Soothing Rose, Tranquil Lavender, Balanced with Floral Geranium.
